- Explain how God reveals himself to us
- Prayers to be Mastered: Sign of the Cross, Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, and Grace Before Meals
- Tell and understand the stories of Jesus’ parables and mysteries
- Participate at Mass
- Understand the Sacrament of Baptism (First Sacrament)
- Know and understand what sin is and forgiveness
- Learn about different Saints
- Study the Christmas story and Easter story
- Learn about Advent and Lent
Language Arts
- Continue to build upon our reading skills with accuracy and fluency
- Identify synonyms and antonyms
- Identify and explain the difference between fiction and nonfiction
- Identify different literary genres
- Identify and explain the difference between an author and illustrator
- Identify setting, plot, characters and main events in a story
- Compose a friendly letter
- Opinion writing
- Procedure writing
- Narrative writing
- Informative Writing
- Poetry
- Form letters correctly and neatly
- Apply handwriting skills to daily work
- Add and subtract within 20
- Solve word problems
- Skip count
- Recognize time in months, years, hour and half hour
- Recognize, identify and count money (penny, nickel, dime, quarter, and dollar)
- Identify 2D and 3D shapes
- Learn about Space Systems: Patterns and Cycles through hands on learning
- Investigate Light and Sound through various experiments
- Learn about the structure and function of living things
Social Studies
- Explain how a community works and who is involved in a community
- Learn about the symbols that represent America
- Learn how to read a map and a globe and explore different countries on each
- Compare cultures of the past to the present
- Compare and contrast needs versus wants, goods versus services
- Explain how people earn pay or income in exchange for work
- Explore a variety of jobs and what they involve