Meet our Third Grade Teacher Mrs. Updike!
– This year our focus is on the main truths Catholics believe and express in The Apostle’s Creed. Students will need to work on The Apostle’s Creed memorization, as well, as a few others prayers this year. We will be completing a Saint Book, as the year progresses, focusing on each Saints time and talents. As our liturgical year progresses, we pause to celebrate our religious seasons.
GRADING: includes daily work or homework, open book quizzes, quarterly prayers, and small projects in class.
– It is essential that students master their basic math facts (Addition, Subtraction, and Multiplication, also introduction of Division) We will be focusing on Multiplication this year, which usually begins before Christmas break. Daily practice will help students master these facts. Please work on Addition and Subtraction facts during the next few months. (10
– 15 minutes a night would be ideal.) Then move on to Multiplication and, finally, Division. Place Value, Rounding, Estimating, Time, Money, 3-4 – digit Addition and Subtraction, Fractions, & Decimals will also be covered or introduced.
GRADING: includes daily homework, quizzes, and chapter tests.
– Our textbook is divided into 4 Units. We will be covering several chapters from Life Science, Physical Science, and Earth Science. We will touch on the Human Body if time permits.
GRADING: includes labs, note taking, chapter tests, and STEM projects.
– The text, Our Communities, takes students through the history of our country. Our focus will be on elements of a community and how everyone contributes to making a community thrive. We will also focus on geography, map work, economics, and cultural diversity.
GRADING: includes graphic organizers, note taking, homework, chapter tests, and projects.
– The Third Grade reading curriculum includes instruction and/or mastery of many pertinent skills to the developing reader: Sequencing/Steps in a Process, Character Development, Generalizations, Fact/Opinion and Cause/Effect relationships, Predicting, Drawing Conclusions, Summarizing, Plot Development, Text Structure, Comparing/Contrasting, Main Idea, Supporting Details, and the Author’s Purpose. We will also complete a novel study. Additionally, students will be asked to complete 2 – 3 Book Reports.
GRADING: includes reading weekly stories, completing practice pages, vocabulary work, weekly reading tests, and Book Reports.
– Spelling will follow the reading series with the words reinforced throughout the week and tested on Fridays.
GRADING: includes daily assignments and weekly tests.
– Some of the topics studied in the curriculum will be Subject/Nouns (possessives included), Predicate/Verbs (action and linking), Simple/Compound Sentences, Tenses (Past, Present, & Future), Irregular Verbs, Pronouns, Adjectives, and Adverbs. These areas of Grammar are then applied in the different styles of writing throughout the year. We will work on the four styles of writing: Narrative, Persuasive, Expository, and Descriptive.
GRADING: includes weekly work, workbook pages, paragraph writing and chapter tests