Living Our Faith
We worship together as a family at St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic School. Students attend and participate in mass weekly, on holy days of obligation, and for special events such as May Crowning. They also participate regularly in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Reconciliation, and school-wide praying of the Rosary and The Divine Mercy Chaplet. Students also participate in grade level retreats, daily recitation of a decade of the Rosary, Living Stations of the Cross performed by Eighth Grade, Prayer Partner activities between older and younger students, and altar serving for grades 5-8. Daily prayer is part of the school day with morning, afternoon, and meal prayers.
At the heart of our spiritual life as Catholics is the Liturgy. Every Wednesday morning and on holy days of obligation, students and faculty come together to celebrate as a family in Christ. The celebration of Mass with the school offers the parish priests an opportunity to address our students’ spiritual needs. All parents and other family members are always welcome to attend all school celebrations of the Mass.
Students will generally begin their day with religious instruction. Students in first-eighth grade use the “Religion series: Christ our Life” series published by by Loyola Press for theological study. Students in kindergarten use the “Image of God” curriculum series published by Ignatius Press.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available to students in grades second-eighth each Advent and Lent. Our priests and teachers prepare our students for this opportunity at the class level, ensuring an age-appropriate celebration.
The Sacraments are at the heart of our life of grace as Catholics. Sacramental preparation integrates into the life of the school. Second grade is a time when students spend much of their year in preparation for the celebration of their First Reconciliation and Holy Communion. Eighth Grade begins the first year of preparation for the sacrament of Confirmation. They finish the second year of preparation for Confirmation, their freshman year of high school by attending evening classes administered by Youth Ministry of St. Thomas Parish.
Our priests play an essential part in the overall faith life of our parish and school. Each week, our priests spend time in different classrooms providing students with an opportunity for one-on-one interaction. Parents are welcome to contact our priests for pastoral guidance and assistance. As a Catholic school, the pastor is the primary shepherd and administrator of our school. He strives to fulfill his administrative role through regular meetings with the principal and faculty.
The students give of their time, talent, and treasure in many ways. Past projects include, collection of food for local pantries, writing notes and cards for residents of nursing homes, service men and women, and veterans. Fundraising for Thanksgiving meals, P.A.D.S. homeless shelter, third world countries, and other charitable organizations. Volunteering for soup kitchens, Christmas Clearing House, yard work for elderly neighbors, and other parish service projects.